Answers For Two Questions You May Have About Clogged Pipes
Your home needs its plumbing system functioning in order to be a comfortable place for your family. Unfortunately, these highly complex systems can experience numerous severe problems. Despite the vital importance of this system, many homeowners are not very informed about it, and this may cause them to have difficulty getting these problems repaired. By learning about a couple of common issues, you may find yourself more capable of handling these issues when they arise.
Why Will Some Pipes Repeatedly Become Clogged?
There is nothing uncommon for a pipe occasionally developing a clog, but if you notice that the same pipes are repeatedly clogging, a couple of potentially serious problems may be to blame. Firstly, it is not unusually for mineral deposits to form in the pipes, and these deposits can drastically restrict the ability of water to flow through the pipe. When this problem arises, you will need to have a professional flush you pipes with a special solution that can dissolve these minerals.
Another common cause for this type of problem is when a tree root starts to grow into your pipes. These roots can gradually force the joints between your pipes open, and this will allow to them clog your pipes. Unfortunately, repairing this type of damage will require excavating the damaged pipe, trimming back the tree root and replacing the damaged pipe with a new one.
Why Causes Multiple Lines To Become Clogged At The Same Time?
Having one of your pipes clogged can be a major inconvenience, but there may be instances when multiple drains in your home are backing up. This can bring your entire home to a grinding halt, and it may make it far more likely for severe water damage to occur.
This problem is often attributed to the primary sewer line becoming clogged, and it is considered a major repair to need. In order to perform this repair, you will need to obtain a permit to excavate the sewer line. Also, the home will be without water until this work is done, and if you need to wait several days before you can get it repaired, you may need to temporarily relocate.
When your home's plumbing develops a clog, it can cause major issues and may require intensive repairs. By enhancing your understanding of routine plumbing problems, you should be better positioned to address these problems when they arise, and this will help you to ensure that you can keep the disruptions these events cause to a minimum.
For more information, check out companies such as A Absolute Plumbing & Heating.