2 Possible Sources Of The Standing Fluid Around Your Central Air Conditioning Unit

Especially on days when the humidity levels are high, you may be used to finding some water dripping off and out of your central A/C unit. However, you may have discovered a pool of liquid outside of the system. You may be wondering about the water's source as well as whether you should be concerned. Below are a couple of possible causes of the standing fluid and what you can do about them. [Read More]

3 Common AC Trouble Signs You Shouldn't Overlook

A normally functioning air conditioning system keeps your home's indoor temperatures cool enough to make your summer days comfortable and bearable. But problems that hurt the cooling performance of your air conditioner can arise at any time, making it imperative to bring in an AC repair specialist. The good news is that AC problems show in ways that can be easily noticed. All you have to do as a homeowner is to closely monitor how your AC system operates. [Read More]

Is Short-Cycling Making Your Split AC System Less Efficient?

Split air conditioning systems are renowned for their efficiency and low running costs and are also highly reliable. However, split systems can suffer from malfunctions and problems that undermine their energy efficiency. The phenomenon known as 'short-cycling' is a common problem that affects all kinds of air conditioning systems, and split systems are no less vulnerable. What Is Short-Cycling In Split AC Systems? In simple terms, short-cycling occurs when an air conditioning system stops cooling before its thermostat reaches its temperature setting. [Read More]

A Curbless Shower Could Make It Easier To Wash Your Hair And Bathe When You Use A Wheelchair

Showering has its challenges when you need to use a wheelchair due to mobility issues. One solution you may want to look into is having a curbless shower installed. These showers are flat with the rest of the floor so you can roll your wheelchair right into the shower stall. Here's how a curbless shower is beneficial and some ideas for working with a residential plumbing service to have one installed. [Read More]