Shading And Your AC Unit: What You Need To Know

Every homeowner is always looking for a way to save money, and it doesn't hurt if homeowners can find a way to conserve energy as well. Unfortunately, when the dead of summer hits, you will need your air conditioner. You want to be able to stay cool, save money, conserve energy, and count on your AC unit to keep working, but how in the world can all of that happen at once? [Read More]

Easy Ways To Save Money On Commercial Cooling Costs

Running a business is expensive. If you thought you might have an opportunity as a business owner to cut costs in a simple way that doesn't affect day-to-day business operations, wouldn't you jump at the chance? But the fact is that simple cost-cutting solutions already exist and are easily taken advantage of. In 2017, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated that the energy used to power air conditioning equipment is the single largest use of electricity in the commercial sector and that 30% of that energy is actually wasted. [Read More]

4 Heater Maintenance Tips To Prevent Problems With Heating During Winter Months

During the winter months, the heating in your home will be working hard to keep you warm. Heating and air conditioning repair in the early winter months is important to ensure you do not have problems with your heater over the winter months. Here are some tips to help with the maintenance and repairs to ensure you have heating all winter with fewer problems: 1. Prevent Problems with Your Heating by Cleaning It in Fall [Read More]

Problems With Outdated Household Lighting

In an outdated home, outdated lighting is common. It might not even seem like a very big deal. If you haven't upgraded the lighting in your home in the past several years, though, it's time to see what an electrician can do to help. After all, these are just some of the problems that homeowners can experience when they have outdated lighting in their homes. An Outdated Appearance The most obvious problem with having outdated lighting in your home is the impact it can have on your home's appearance. [Read More]