Store Owners: Why Does Your Commercial Fridge Keep Overheating?

Your refrigerator is one of the most vital commercial appliances in your store. Not only does the fridge keep your perishable products fresh and cold, it ensures that your customers receive the items they need on a daily basis. But if your refrigerator becomes so hot that it shuts off, you can lose more than your products. You could potentially lose customers as well. Learn why your commercial fridge overheats and how to fix the problem below. [Read More]

AC Problems: Have The HVAC Technicians Fix These Two Things

It can be difficult dealing with an air conditioner that isn't fully functional and efficient. Of course, when you're in the middle of summer and your air conditioner is just slightly malfunctioning, or not running to maximum efficiency, it is hard for most people to get it fixed. Not only do they need to schedule an appointment during the busiest and most expensive season for HVAC repairs, they also need to possibly go a day or two without running the air conditioner. [Read More]

Your HVAC System Could Be Making Your Allergies Worse

With the arrival of spring comes the arrival of allergies. If you are prone to allergies, your HVAC system could be making your allergies worse by allowing allergens into your home or not properly filtering allergens out. There are some simple things that you can do in order to reduce allergens in your home this spring.  Replace Your Filters Dirty filters are less efficient at doing their job of filtering, and can also cause dust and allergens to spread as they build up on the filters. [Read More]

Why Won't You Stay On? 3 Signs Your Heater Might Be Short-Cycling

There's nothing worse than turning your heater on only to have it shut off almost instantly. Unfortunately, short cycling can be a regular occurrence when there's a problem with your heater. In fact, short cycling is a common way for furnaces to warn that they need assistance. If your heater is short cycling – turning on and off repeatedly – you need to have it tended to as quickly as possible. [Read More]