Call A Residential Heater Repair Company For Help When Your Furnace Starts Making Scraping Noises

If your furnace suddenly starts making a scraping noise, you should call a residential heater repair company and let them know. They may say to shut your furnace down until a repair technician can assess the problem. Since the blower in your furnace is a part that turns when your furnace kicks on, it's a likely part to consider when you hear scraping. Here's why your blower might make the odd noise and what a residential heater repair technician might need to do to fix the problem. [Read More]

Enough Of The Heating Repairs! 4 Signs It Is Now Time To Replace Your Furnace

A well-maintained furnace can serve you for many years, after which you may start experiencing more repairs than usual. When that happens, it is time to replace the furnace. While this might come as a surprise since you may not be financially prepared, there is no other solution. Besides, your furnace will keep deteriorating and becoming less energy efficient. But when you pay attention, you will be ready for what is to come. [Read More]

3 Tune-Ups For Aging AC Systems

Scheduling a yearly inspection and service for your home's air conditioning system will help it last for longer while potentially reducing the number of high-cost repairs you'll face in the future. Unfortunately, not every homeowner keeps up with this critical maintenance, leaving some systems running poorly. The good news is that it's never too late for a tune-up. If you can't remember when you had your air conditioner serviced, it may be time to stop putting that appointment off for next year. [Read More]

2 Air Conditioning System Installation Options When Your Home Lacks Ductwork

If your home doesn't have ductwork installed, and you are tired of sitting through the hot summer days, you are not out of luck. There are air conditioning system options available to you and that you can install in an existing home so that you can stay cool when it is hot outside.   Option #1: Window Air Conditioning Systems The first and one of the most common air conditioning options when dealing with a home without duck work is to install a few windows air conditioning systems. [Read More]